Banana Duck
Embark on an action-packed escapade with "Banana Duck," a game that presents an oddly delightful challenge. Imagine stepping into the shoes (or webbed feet) of a duck with an insatiable appetite for bananas, despite its inability to swim. Amidst a fridge brimming with tomatoes and carrots, you must navigate through malevolent vegetables and nonsensical saw blades, all in pursuit of the coveted bananas. Embrace the offbeat challenge, revel in the absurdity, and indulge in the extraordinary taste of this distinctive adventure.
Original Release: August 2023
Crafted by: The creative mind behind "Banana Duck" is none other than Hamdy Elzanqali.
Accessible Platform: Embark on this whimsical journey through web browsers.
Controls: Navigate through the wacky world of "Banana Duck" with the following controls:
- WASD / arrow keys = move
- Z / space = jump
- P / ESC = pause
- R = restart
Prepare to immerse yourself in a world where bananas and ducks collide in a delightful yet challenging adventure. Exercise your reflexes, strategize your movements, and dive into the quirky pursuit of this unique treasure trove of gameplay.
- 02-03-2021 14:29:07